Wired To Hunt

Whitetail Rattling Tips From the Expert

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As I mentioned in the previous post, I know that many hunters have questions about calling in deer with grunts, bleats and rattling. Even those with experience can always learn more about these techniques, so here is another terrific resource to help you bring in more deer to your stand.

I came across this great rattling video created by Scott Bestul, the accomplished writer and expert Whitetail hunter who runs the “Whitetail365” blog on the Field & Stream website. It offers simple and understandable advice and examples of how to effectively rattle in deer. Give this video a watch and I can almost promise you that it will help you hone your rattling sequences this fall and hopefully you’ll have a big rack on the wall this winter to show for it.

Make sure to check out more of Scot Bestul’s great insight at Whitetail365.

Deer Calls for Dummies

Understanding the way Whitetail's communicate can be key to hunting success

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I know a lot of people have questions about how deer actually vocalize in the wild. It can be pretty difficult for the inexperienced hunter to effectively replicate a deer with a call, when he or she doesn’t even know the right sound to make. Obviously doing research, watching videos or having in-the-field experience can help us understand how deer communicate, but not everyone has the time or ability to gather this information first hand. But recently I’ve found a pretty neat resource for those of you who wonder exactly how the much-talked-about “snort wheeze” call is supposed to sound or still aren’t sure exactly how to make a realistic buck grunt. I recently ran upon a website that that contains brief sound clips of the most common deer vocalizations and deer calls, which can be played  online for your listening pleasure. This helpful resource is provided by the Outdoor Adventures Network and you can check it out at this link http://www.myoan.net/huntingart/deer_calls.html

Hope this is helpful and I’ll definitely continue to explore the issues of calling and rattling in deer in the future, as this is one of the most successful but also confusing tactics to use when hunting Whitetail Deer.